Each month a new repeatable flash sheet is created, and is discounted for the first 5 weeks after release

This Month's Featured Flash Page:

These designs are all repeatable. Prices are discounted for the month the sheet is released + the first week of the following month.

February Flash Sheet

Available in color, black and grey, or lines.

Prices are for 3"/"palm sized"

Linework only: $100 discounted, $120 standard pricing

Black and Grey: $130 discounted, $150 standard pricing

Color: $170 discounted. $200 standard pricing


You can contact me to book a flash design in any of the following ways:

  • Contact me directly by text: (480) 788-8006

  • Contact me through instagram DMs, @painted_vulture_tattoo

  • Fill out the contact form and I will email you with available times/dates.

Please choose only one method of contact and avoid sending multiple messages to prevent duplicate bookings.

All bookings require a $75 deposit to hold your appointment slot. This deposit is non-refundable and applied towards the final cost of the tattoo.

Thank you!

Previous Monthly Flash Sheets

These designs are all repeatable and available in full color, black and grey, or as lines.

Standard pricing:

Color: $200, Black and Grey: $150, Linework only: $120