
Rough size estimate for the tattoo (dollar/palm/hand sized):

Color or black and grey:


Tattoo concept/What you'd like to get:

How to book through Instagram

In addition to booking through my website or through email, I also accept booking requests through Instagram.

I usually respond to DMs within 3 days unless out of town.

Avoid scams! Only message @Painted_Vulture_Tattoo for bookings

I've created a helpful template below that you can copy/paste and fill out with your information.

Step 1:

Select the text prompts and copy them to your clipboard

Step 2:

Click the button below to be redirected to Instagram messages

Step 3:

Paste the text prompts into the Instagram message and fill out the information. Make sure to also send any reference images you might have.

That's all! I'll direct you from there. I look forward to hearing from you!

Please send any reference photos after sending this message!